.MUSIC Domain Policy

.MUSIC, community gTLD, regulated by DotMusic Limited  and administered by Tucows Registry

The purpose of this gTLD is to exclusively serve the global music community and industry.

  • Exclusive only to legitimate members of the entire global music community
  • Governed in the interest of the global music community
  • Supported by organizations with members representing over 95% of music consumed globally
  • Enhanced safeguards to protect intellectual property and prevent cybersquatting

Registration Details

Eligibility / NEXUS Criteria

  • .MUSIC domain is the global music industry standard for official music websites. The .MUSIC domain and identity is exclusive to all members of the global music community, including musicians, creators, bands, groups, industry professionals, companies, associations, and organizations. The .MUSIC domain is secure by default and provides a verified checkmark badge that instills trust and authenticity.
  • Registrant Identity Verification. After a .MUSIC domain name is registered at a Registrar, registrants must complete an identity verification through the Registry Operator’s Identity Verification Solution Provider (IVSP) at https://id.music.
  • This TLD aims to help strengthen the cultural and social identity of the music community members. Therefore, the buying and holding of .MUSIC domain names as assets for resale, especially in bulk are prohibited.

Self-attestation requirements

  • When applying to register a .MUSIC domain name(s), the applicant must warrant that (self-attestation must be presented during the registration process):
    • they meet one of the nexus/eligibility requirements (outlined above), and 
    • that the domain name and its use will be consistent with the mission and purpose of the gTLD, applicable laws, or requirements as well as the policies of the registry.

Eligibility eligibility

  • Where the Registrant no longer meets the eligibility requirements of the TLD, the must contact its Registrar as soon as possible
  • Please refer to the Registrant Eligibility Policy for further details

Monitoring and audits

  • During the lifecycle of the domain name registry may take certain steps to substantiate whether a Registrant meets the requirements described in the policy. Registry may request that the Registrant provide information to demonstrate compliance and maintain its eligibility.
  • Failure to respond within the specified timeframe may result in suspension or deletion of the domain name.
  • Where the registry determines that the Registrant does not meet the nexus/eligibility requirements described in this policy, the registry may in their absolute discretion cancel, lock, place on hold, transfer or delete the domain name. 
  • Registrants are required to complete programmatic and manual nexus audits (receive an audit email from the Registry and link to the audit system) when contacted. Failure to complete an audit request, the respective domain name is subject to suspension, server lock, or in worst cases, revocation.
  • Registry Server Hold Status Until Verification Completes. .MUSIC domain names will be placed under a Registry Server Hold until identity verification is completed. Subsequent .MUSIC domain name registration by the same registrant can utilize their existing verified identification credentials at the IVSP.
  • Please refer to the Registrant Eligibility Policy for further details.

Premium names

  • Supported

IDNs (Internationalized Domain Names)

  • Not supported

Trademark Claims Period

  • This period follows the opening of a top-level domain for general domain name registration during which Trademark Holders are entitled to receive a Notification of Registered Name (NORN)
    • Start date:  08 October 2024 at 16:00 UTC
    • End date: 06 January 2025 at 16:00 UTC    

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