How to stop renewing a domain or service

Each domain name and each service has an auto-renewal setting. You'll want to make sure you disable the renewals for each domain and service you no longer need 31 days before the service expires. We attempt to auto-renew 30 days before expiration. 

Stop renewing a domain name

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Select Domains from the headings at the top of the website.
  3. Click My domains from the dropdown.
  4. Press the domain name text, not the checkbox next to it.
  5. Choose General settings, or select General Settings from the Manage domain dropdown.
  6. Select the Disable radio button on the Auto Renew line.
  7. At the lower-right, click Save.

Stop renewing DNS hosting

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Select Domains from the headings at the top of the website.
  3. Click My domains from the dropdown.
  4. Click the DNS hosted heading.
  5. On the list of DNS Hosted domains, find the name you no longer wish to renew.
  6. Click Auto in the Auto Renew column.
  7. Select the Disable radio button.
  8. Click Save.

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Stop renewing an Email package

Domains can have more than one Email package. If you want to cancel more, repeat these steps for each Email package you do not wish to renew.

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. At the top of the site, click Email & apps.
  3. Choose Basic email, then select Manage.
  4. Click the domain name you wish to cancel the Email package on.
  5. Locate the auto-renew line, then select No.
  6. Near the bottom of the page, click the Save all button.

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Stop renewing ID Protect

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Select Domains from the headings at the top of the website.
  3. Click My domains from the dropdown.
  4. Locate the domain name you wish to cancel ID protect on.
  5. Click the green badge icon in the column labeled ID Protect.
    Note: If the icon is red, ID Protect is disabled but auto-renewal may still be enabled. 
  6. Uncheck the box Attempt to auto-renew ID Protect for this domain 30 days before they expire.
  7. Click Save changes

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