How to renew a Value Added Service

Domains can have a variety of value-added services associated with them. We will focus on renewing these services and answering any relevant questions related to the renewal of these specific products. Please review our guide for renewing domains if you want to extend your domain name registration.

Renewing DNS hosting

DNS hosting is a value-added service we offer to customers who wish to use our DNS but typically have their domains registered elsewhere.

  1. On the Account Overview page, choose Domains then My Domains.
  2. Click the DNS hosted tab above the domains list.
  3. In the list of DNS hosted domains, locate the DNS hosted domain name and click on it.
    Note: If you only have one domain name DNS hosted, it will auto-populate to that page.
  4. Select Add years to add this to your cart. In the cart, you can choose anywhere between one to 10 years.
  5. The domain will be added to your cart, choose My cart followed by View cart.
  6. Review your order and click Checkout now.

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Managing your Email renewals

Enom Email gives you an email address to contact your clients, partners, and customers. Our email services come in bundles called Email Paks, and we offer the ability to renew ahead of time or automatically.

  1. From the Account Overview page, select Basic email, from the Email & Apps dropdown followed by Manage.
  2. On the Email Manager page, click the domain name you wish to manage.
  3. To renew manually, select Renew service and follow the checkout process.

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Setting up Whois ID Protect renewal.

ID Protect Whois Privacy provides a service that allows you to add a masked forwarding address on a public Whois lookup. 

  1. From the Account Overview page, click Domains followed by My domains.
  2. In your list of domains, locate the domain you want to renew ID Protect for and click the badge icon in the column ID Protect.
    Note: The red silhouette indicates ID Protect is off the green shield means it is on.
  3. On the ID Protect settings page, add a checkmark to the box Attempt to auto-renew ID Protect, then click Save changes.
  4. To renew manually, select Add years to bring yourself to the cart and process checkout.

How to renew a Business Listing

Business Listing boosts your website's hits by advancing your search engine rank. It lists your website in a popular online directory viewed by thousands every day and provides a new traffic source by driving visitors to your site right from a Whois search.

  1. From the Account Overview page, choose  Websites, Get your business listed, then Manage.
  2. On this page, select the domain you wish to manage the Business Listing for by clicking on the domain name link.
  3. Renew manually by selecting Add years which will take you to the checkout page.

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Managing auto-renew for SiteLock

SiteLock is a cloud-based security tool that scans your website for malware and vulnerabilities. SiteLock not only detects threats but can also fix problems or security risks it encounters on your webspace. It is Auto-Renew only.

  1. At the top of the Account Overview, click  Security, SiteLock, then Manage.
  2. Once in the SiteLock Manager, choose Enable auto-renew for the subscription you want to manage.

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