Enom Tax ID FAQ page

Do you have questions about providing your tax identification number (TIN) to Enom? Here are some answers that can help you.

Why is my business's TIN required?

In many countries, Business-to-Business (B2B) transactions may be tax-exempt when a valid TIN associated with your business is provided. A TIN is considered valid for sales tax / VAT / GST purposes if it is associated with the business on your account and can be verified on the respective government's website. This exemption is in accordance with your country's tax regulations and is implemented through the Reverse Charge mechanism.

What is the Reverse Charge mechanism, and how does it work?

The Reverse Charge mechanism is a method used for tax collection in cross-border B2B transactions for a non-resident entity (like Enom). When the Reverse Charge mechanism is applied, we are not required to impose sales tax on B2B transactions with a valid TIN. In other words, B2B customers are responsible for self-assessing the applicable sales tax / VAT / GST on their own sales tax return instead of the non-resident supplier (Enom).

What happens if I don't provide a valid Tax ID?

If a valid Tax ID is not provided, the transaction will be classified as a Business-to-Customer (B2C) sale, and the applicable sales tax rate in your tax jurisdiction may be applied based on your contact address on file with your Enom account. It's important to ensure your account information is up-to-date to avoid unnecessary tax charges.

What if I have more questions or need assistance?

If you have further questions or require assistance, please email [email protected].

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