Getting started with your SSL certificate

SSL certificates encrypt the data between your web browser and the web server hosting the website, keeping sensitive data submissions like your billing details safe. If you see a lock icon beside the website name in your browser, the site has an SSL certificate installed on it, and your information is secured.

Note: Purchasing a GeoTrust, RapidSSL, or Sectigo certificate for will secure the root domain 

For all certificates, purchasing the certificate for any other subdomain will only cover that specific subdomain.  You must specify the exact subdomain when generating your CSR.  Once a certificate has been issued, the domain cannot be changed.

What an SSL certificate does

SSL certificates provide two important roles for systems that use them.

  • SSL certificates provide security by encrypting the data between the browser and the webserver
  • SSL certificates provide identity verification through domain and organization validation. Only the verified domain name owner may purchase an SSL certificate for that domain. For organization validated SSL certificates, only verified, approved representatives of the organization are permitted to buy an SSL certificate for domains in the organization.

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CSR - Certificate Signing Request

A CSR, or Certificate Signing Request, contains your organization's name, domain name, location, and public key.
This information is submitted to the SSL issuer before your certificate is issued. A CSR is generated on the web hosting service.

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Types of certificates

SAN certificates cover three domains (subdomain) with the option to add more for an added fee, and Wildcard certificates cover unlimited common names (subdomains) for one domain name.

Multi-Domain(SAN) CertificatesWildcard Certificates

Sectigo UCC DV (Domain Validated)

Sectigo Essential Wildcard

Sectigo UCC OV (Organization Validated)

Sectigo Premium Wildcard


RapidSSL Wildcard


True BusinessID Wildcard

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Types of SSL certificate validations 

Type of ValidationTime frameValidation method
DV – Domain validation1 - 2 Business daysOnly the verified domain name owner can purchase an SSL certificate for the domain. Validation is done via email sent to the domain owner. 
OV – Organization validation1 - 3 Business daysWhen corporate identity validation is important, an SSL Certificate assures customers that the website is trustworthy and secure. Only verified representatives of the organization may purchase these certificates, and business licences or other proof is required. The Certificate Authority will verify via a phone call to ensure the certificate request is legitimate.
EV - Extended validation1 to 10 Business daysTo be approved for an Extended Validation certificate, the certificate authority will actively check the organization and the individual applying for the certificate. This is to verify that the organization is positively the organization it claims to be. The individual requesting the certificate is authorized to request a digital certificate. Extended validation may take as long as one week to complete.
SSL for Organizations or Individuals

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Upgrading an SSL certificate

Once you purchase a certificate, we can't upgrade it. However, if you need a more secure certificate immediately, you can buy it and install it on the same web server as the old certificate. If you don't need the more secure certificate immediately, you can wait until the current certificate is near expiry to purchase the desired certificate.

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